Thursday, July 18, 2013

We're At Third Base . . .

The last of our official business in Bulgaria is DONE.

We have one more day here, and that doesn't include anything that consists of 'have-to's'.  Tomorrow we can sleep in, we can stroll where and when we want, and then tomorrow night we'll get back to the room early and pack to come back to the US.

I.  Can't.  Wait.

I want our normal now.  Its time to start life.  I have no idea what its going to be like, but I wanna try.

Today was eventful.  We had to take her to the hospital here to have a medical exam.  The doctor used her stethoscope to routinely listen to her chest and back, she felt around on her belly a little, and that was it.  We did find out, though, that she needed the Prevnar vaccine before she could enter the US.  That was a chunk that we didn't know we'd have to pay, but expect the unexpected, you know?  So, she got poked, she cried, I held, and that was that.

She couldn't wait to get back to her crib and chill out for a while.  The girl just likes to lay.  Its all she's known, so for right now, we're gonna let her be happy with that when we can.  Usually when we're in the room for a while, we lay her on the bed between us and play with her, but sometimes its apparent that she just likes the solitude. 

At 12:30, Yavor picked us up again and we headed to the US Embassy on the other side of Sofia.  You think airport security is bad?  HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A US EMBASSY BUILDING?!  You have to get inside . . . to get inside.  There's big, burly men standing at every door.  And don't even THINK about getting your camera out to take a picture of the building.  That's a no-no.  We know that now, because Arnold Schwarzenegger-man told us so . . . real quick-like.  Mucho security-o, and did I mention the big, burly men?

Anyway, got in, had our interview that lasted about 5 minutes (after we waited for 45), then we left.  Maya was beyond done, so we came back to the room and we all took a little nap. 

We left again for supper and to get some more rice cereal, but we didn't lolly-gag very long, because she was still done.  She really didn't want to eat tonight.  I think it was a combination of the fast-pace of the day and maybe a side affect of the shot.  She's laid down for the night now, so Craig and I will probably settle down her in a few.

I don't have any pictures from the day because it just wasn't 'that kind' of day.  I mean, I guess I could've had one of the Embassy building, but we may have gotten shot in the process of taking the photo, so . . . I guess you can look it up online if you really want to see.

We'll pick back up tomorrow, but only after we hit the city streets and find the gelato place again.  Oh, did you know that over her that a milkshake is NOT?  A milkshake consists of whatever flavors you like with a mini-scoop of ice cream, blended up so much that it comes out in liquid form . . . you know, like WATER.  And they blend it so much its not even cold by the time you get it.  NAS. TY.  European travelers, beware!

Aiight . . . over and out.  Tomorrow's another day.



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