Sunday, July 7, 2013

Go Time

We're now five days away from go-time.


I've packed most of Maya's things, but I haven't even begun to think of what to pack for Craig and me.  It never fails that every time we pack for a trip, something is forgotten.  It may be little, like dental floss, or it may be of significant importance, like Craig's belt.  SIGNIFICANT importance. 

We go on lots of trips.  Mostly little overnight get-aways, but its something we both love to do.  Or did love to do.  We won't be going on any little OR big excursions for a while . . . a LONG while.  But that's ok.  We'll gladly give those up to be able to see our little girl thriving at home where she belongs.

On Friday at 5 in the evening we'll board a flight to Chicago, then to Munich, and finally ending up in Sofia.  We'll chew our fingers for two days until we're finally able to go to the orphanage and pick up the one that God has set apart for us . . . our Maya.  Sweet girl.

My main purpose of this post, however, is to thank those of you that have helped to make this happen.  When we first committed to do this, we had no doubt that God would see this to the end, in every way.  We really didn't expect everything that we've received.  We haven't lacked for anything.  Precious people have given us clothes for not only Maya, but for Daisee, too.  And these aren't clothes that somebody just needed to get out of the way.  These are cute clothes that they could've easily sold for good money.  Instead, they chose to give them to us, because they knew we could use them.   People have loaned us invaluable items for trip one and trip two.  Items that will help to keep my flat iron in operation while in country, because I was going nuts trying to figure out what in the world my hair was gonna do if we couldn't convert that voltage in the outlets.  INVALUABLE.  Family and friends have entertained our kids while we were in the beginning stages making trips back and forth to Birmingham.  We had a jewelry fundraiser, and within two hours, the first order was GONE, and we realized that we needed more.  Within a few days, the other pieces that we ordered were sold, too.  People just walked up to us at church, work, the front door, and said, "Here's some money.  We want to help".  We received an international adoption grant from Families Outreach. What we lacked in funds we made up for from our own savings.  A lot of you bought coffee from our coffee fundraiser.  We've been given gifts from precious people that also want to see Maya, the one made in HIS image, reach her full potential.  And prayers.  Prayers have been said by hundreds, and prayers have been answered by our Heavenly Father.  So many people are involved in this.  It isn't just us.  Not by far. 

The bottom line is that God provides, and he uses those he loves to provide. 

See this closet?  God provides.

Ok, so the reason you see this and nothing else is because today, FINALLY today, I've gotten it organized.  Its N.I.C.E. 

So, all of this to say that if you fit into any of these categories, let me just say THANK YOU.  Not a thing has gone unnoticed or unappreciated.  A difference was made by every single person that worked and helped to make this happen.

In five days, it happens.

Not a moment too soon.

I'll update with more plans later in the week.



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