Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Round Two

We made a trip back to Birmingham today to have our first official homestudy interview.  In addition, we signed commitment papers for a 2-year-old little girl in Bulgaria.  She, like Melina, is a child with special needs.  This precious, sweet baby has Down syndrome and her heart has caused some significant issues in the past.  However, she's had surgery in Bulgaria to correct the major problems.  She may still have problems that Dr. Biggio called 'residual', but we don't think that she'll require more major surgery once she gets to the states.  Her heart will definitely be something that will need to be monitored, along with her entire respiratory system due to having pnuemonia multiple times. 

All in all, right now she seems generally healthy, and we'll pray she stays that way.  Unfortunately, we don't have an 'American' name for her yet!  I'd really like to stick with a flowery name, but we're getting down to where there just aren't that many left to choose from . . . I mean, names that wouldn't sound ridiculous.  I mean, I wouldn't name my baby 'Larkspur' or 'Ragweed'.  I'm scouring websites, though, in hopes of finding JUST ONE that we haven't seen yet on the other 479 sites I've already sorted through.  We're also keeping our eyes and ears open for a Bulgarian name that would fit our little girl, too.  Some of those are just . . . well, I just don't like them.  I'd like to be able to pronouce her whole name in a single breath.  We'll eventually find just the right one.

Until then, we're gonna look at that single, solitary picture we have of her (and we'll share that when I've been given the ok . . . along with others that we're hoping the agency will receive) and stand in amazement of God's continued goodness and this plan he's chosen us to carry out.  For us, its not a 'job'.  Its a privilege, and its one we'll be forever grateful that he's given us.

More news to come!



  1. Praying for you all.
    What about Heather, holly, lily, jasmine, iris, Willow, rose or rosey, violet, rosemary, Camelia, sage, laurel for the name. Good luck.

  2. Other name ideas...
    Ginger, Ivy (just sounds southern), Dahlia (name of college friend). FYI - Violeta is a Bulgarian name, so Violet might be an option. And, Holly reminds me of Christmas, which (like us) would be nothing without CHRIST! Love you ALL!!!
