Monday, September 10, 2012

Final Update

God's ways are higher than ours.  I keep repeating this over and over in my head.  As I look back over the last couple of weeks, we were so sure of the child we were bringing home.  There were so circumstances that made us truly believe that Melina, as we named her, was ours.  However, we're beginning the process of letting her go and moving on to eventually choose another child.  Melina, or 'Serenitta', is being adopted by another family.  I can truly be happy for that precious little girl, because she isn't being left behind.  She'll have a home . . .a family that, I'm sure, will love her and care for her every bit as much as we would have.  I just wish that she could've been ours.

That's the HUMAN side of us.  Its what we wished for, but God obviously knows there's another child in Bulgaria that needs us more.  Another child that's set apart specifically for us.  I had my moment earlier today when Craig called to tell me the news that was relayed to him from our agency.  I didn't know how we would take down her pictues just yet, because for many days now, she's been ours . . .but that was in our heads.  We took ownership of her right away, because that's how we love. 

In the next day or two, we'll probably begin the process of picking out another child.  We'll pray, again, that God would lead us to the child that HE wants us to take as our own.  In the meantime, we'll continue with trying to get our homestudy together.  We went today to be fingerprinted and I went to have my passport picture made for my renewal.  The world continues to turn.

So, in a nutshell, we're fine.  A little emotionally drained for one day, but I'm sure this is just the first of several speedbumps we'll encounter on this journey.  I'm taking it as God preparing me for the rest of the way.  I'm going back to what I said earlier, that God rarely calls us to an easy task.  If things were easy, I think many more people would follow him, including myself.  I'm not sure how many times I may have said 'no' to God because whatever he wanted me to do seemed too difficult.  However, we have no doubts that, right now, whatever this task may lead to, we're following him.

Continue to remember us in your prayers, as well as all of these children that so desperately need families.  One of them is ours, and he or she is waiting on us. 

Much love to you all . . .


1 comment:

  1. I am saddened to know your sweet Melina isn't coming to live with you but I just know she will be taken great care of by her new family. GOD has you a child out there waiting to jump in your arms. I can't wait to walk this journey with you my dear friend. Love you!
