Monday, January 23, 2012

Mad Science Week: Experiment 1, Homemade Lava Lamps

This week is going to be a short school week at home since Craig and I are going out-of-town for our anniversary this weekend.  We decided that for these three days that we're here, we're gonna have some serious fun learning about science.  Every day we'll have a different experiment to do, and for today, we made our own lava lamps using oil, water, food coloring and some alka-seltzer tablets.  We started with empty bottles and filled them 2/3 of the way up with cooking oil. Then we filled up the rest 1/3 with water (leaving a few inches of space for movement at the top) and added several drops of food coloring:

After that, we waited until the food coloring mixed in with the water at the bottom.  Once this happened, we broke the tablets into tiny pieces and dropped them into the bottles, one at a time.  This created the 'bubbly' effect that made them look like lava lamps.


We talked about all of the science behind it all, and had lots of fun experimenting with different sizes of pieces of alka-seltzer.  The bigger the piece you used, the more (and bigger) bubbles there were.  Tomorrow we'll be making our own bouncy balls!  Homeschool ROCKS!


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