Monday, June 13, 2011

Do Cracker Barrel Biscuits Really Make You Want To Slap Yo' Mama?

The weekend is over, and another Monday begins.  Here's the recap:

Big news:  We've had to buy a dehumidifier for the upstairs part of our house.  We're dumping out 15 gallons of water A DAY that's floating around up there.  Yeah...big news.  How gross is that?

We traveled to Montgomery yesterday with some of Ryan's church buddies and parents.  We went to see Tim Hawkins perform at Frazer United Methodist Church.  It you've never heard of  Tim Hawkins, or you've never seen any of his comedy, PLEASE watch this video:

Ok, now see what you missed?  This man is a nut.  He has no sense to him at all, and the concert was perfectly fitting for a bunch of 5th and 6th graders.  I have to say, though, that I was entertained by Jim Barger (Emma's dad) just as much as I was by Tim.  He was doubled-over throughout the show, and I think somebody may have seen the need to give him a hit of oxygen a time or two.  I love to be with people during their first Tim Hawkins experience.  It gives me a double-dose of laughter, and who couldn't use that?  Anyway, we had a great time, and we can't wait for the next show.

Did I mention that we're dumping out 15 gallons of water a day from the upstairs part of our house?

Obviously, the boys are back from their first week at their dad's for the summer.  They had a great time with his family, and their pace won't slow down at all for this week at home.  We started VBS today, and its quite the show this year.  Kenyon and Andrea have done an AWESOME job with this year's theme, and it was all loud and rowdy, just as it should be.  All of the kids were hot and tired when they got home, JUST AS IT SHOULD BE.  Makes for a lovely afternoon for mama.  

Our guests from Colorado, Brandon and Sara, arrived last night, and they're a spectacular couple.  We didn't get in from Montgomery until after 11, and they were still up waiting on us.  Craig and I sat down with them for a few minutes and got the introductions over with, so now we can just all be friends.  I'm just super-excited that they're here, and they're eager to get started with their roles in helping so many of our storm victims to recover.  I'll post more pics and stories about them in future writings, I'm sure.

I hope you all have a stupendous day (you'd better check my spelling on that, Laurie) and crank the air-conditioning up.  Its hot, its sticky (did I mention that we're dumping...oh, I did) and I'm ready for October.  Until then and after, love those around you.  The best time you'll spend all day is the time you spend giving out hugs.



  1. Great blog!! I love reading it! :)

  2. Spelling is correct :) And I am loving reading your blog as well!
