Tuesday, April 2, 2013

In The Throes Of Waiting

Not a whole lot going on to speak of. Since we returned from Bulgaria, we've gone back to our everyday this's-and-that's, and we're talking occasionally with our people in the adoption world. We received our i800 approval this past weekend. That was the first step of a few that need to be taken in order to travel back to Bulgaria and bring our girl home. From here, we wait. I have learned to
 wait . . . and wait, and wait. However, I have to say that I'm actually surprised in how quickly this process has moved for us. We started this whole shindig last August and here it is being April. So, in eight months, we've gone through what I THINK will be the most time-consuming parts of this. Not only that, but we made our first trip almost a month ago. I fully expect to have this over and done with (meaning she will be HERE) by August of this year. Crazy. I really can't complain about anything. Our social workers with Lifeline have been super-duper about handling all of our questions (and there have been many) and they've really worked to get this thing going, too. Just love them.

Today I've been working on some paperwork for her appointment she'll have with the International Adoption Clinic in Birmingham. The doctors there are specialized with adopted children coming from other countries, and they know what things to look for in aiding with diagnosing and treating common issues that these children have. We're getting ready to send them our file that has all of Maya's medical information, along with some of the pictures and videos we collected while we were there. Another benefit is that when we travel back, they'll provide prescriptions for whatever medications she is currently taking for us to take with us, along with a 24-hour number we can call directly with any questions or concerns about her health we have while we're there. We weren't sure that we were going to utilize the referral services, which is what I just explained, but I think we'll feel much better about doing so once we're there. That way, if something happens that we're not sure about, we have somebody looking out for us that will be just a phone call away.

 The next thing we wait for is our court date. That's really the only big thing scheduled to happen next. She comes home when court is over. We're really, really, REALLY hoping this will happen sometime in May. It may be a teensy optimistic, but none of the professionals we've spoken with seem to think there's any reason for delay, despite the government troubles they're having right now. I could go into the explanation, but . . . it's really kinda boring. If we can get court in May, we're pretty sure we can get her in June. Which would be FANTABULOUS, because she could start RISE in August. That is, if there's a space for her, and we're praying hard that there will be a space. She needs that school and the therapies they could offer her tremendously. Pray for that.

The other kiddos are hanging in there. The boys are counting down the days until we're done with school. We don't have just a whole lot left, because we usually kick it into high gear when the county schools are out. We push through with our tunnel-vision on the prize that May brings of summer vacation. Ryan goes to his first formal this Friday night. He'll be all dressed up, and might even cut a little rug at the par-tay. When did my firstborn get this old?

So, that's it. I just felt that my blog had been a little lonely, so I figured I could type a few words in here to make it feel loved and wanted again :). Take care, peeps, and enjoy SPRING!



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