Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Mad Science Week: Experiment 2, Making Bouncy Balls

Ok, so there's a reason they call them experiments, right?  Today's 'experiement' wasn't quite as flashy as yesterday's, and we had to perform it twice before we got anywhere near what the end result was supposed to be.  Oh well, here goes...

We started out mixing our borax with water and then added food coloring...

Then we added a mixture of corn starch and Elmer's glue and let it sit for a few seconds.  After waiting, we mixed it all together until it became too hard to stir.

As soon as it became harder, we started shaping it with our hands, and ended up with perfectly (almost) round balls...yeah, bouncy balls...


Our balls just kinda went 'splat' and fell apart.  Like I said, we tried twice and by the second time the boys were having a little too much fun with the food coloring.  Guess everything can't always be perfect, right?

Tomorrow we do the 'Dancing Raisins' experiment. 



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